Success Statements

Indiana, June 2021
“‘You’re not the only one being interviewed. You are interviewing the company to see if they fit your needs as well.’
This statement was embedded in my mind when I left the workshop. In times past, I was more focused on doing my best to ensure that I fit the ideal the employer was looking for, which caused me to feel extremely anxious and doubtful no matter how prepared I was. The lack of confidence showed as I would stumble in my responses or would sound unprepared, although I had studied and researched thoroughly. Attending the OJRV workshop instilled a level of confidence that I had not demonstrated in past interviews. Leaving the workshop, I realized that I have more power in the interview process than I previously thought and with proper research and preparation, I increase my chances of being offered many, if not most, positions I apply for.
I HIGHLY recommend all veterans, active duty, and military spouses to participate in the Operation: Job Ready Veterans seminar/workshop. The plethora of resources, information, and knowledge they provide are so invaluable. The skills taught in the workshop are truly lifelong and will benefit you in many ways. Finally, I appreciate how they continue to follow up with the program graduates and are always available for continued assistance and support. I cannot thank Operation: Job Ready Veterans and the Call of Duty Endowment enough for their assistance improving my job search skills. You can truly see how passionate they are to continue serving veterans and their families.”