About David
Judge David Certo
Indianapolis Veterans Court | Board Member
As a judge, Judge David Certo is committed to treating litigants and the public with dignity and respect and to enhancing access to justice. He has worked with veterans, mentally ill citizens, and substance abusing individuals, helping them address the challenges that led them into legal trouble. His approach of treating people like neighbors is a cost-effective way to promote public safety while improving the quality of life in Indianapolis neighborhoods. His professional career has been dedicated to improving public administration and has demonstrated his leadership qualities time and again.
Judge Certo remains dedicated to reducing crime by helping people avoid repeating the mistakes that led them to arrest. He continues to help the court use technology to make civil litigation easier and cheaper for litigants and lawyers. He loves his job and feels grateful for the privilege of serving his community.
Judge Certo was elected as the Presiding Judge for the Marion Superior Court (2013 and 2014); elected as Associate Presiding Judge for the Marion Superior Court (2011 and 2012); appointed Supervising Judge for Marion County Probation Department (2009 and 2010); appointed to the bench August 1, 2007, by Governor Daniels and elected to a six year term (2008-2014); and served as presiding judge for Marion Superior Court, Criminal Division 21, hearing 4,000 civil protection order cases and violations annually. Moreover, Judge Certo moved and redesigned Court 21 to improve safety for litigants, public, and staff and to increase access to services for domestic violence victims. He was assigned to the Marion County Environmental Court and the Indianapolis Community Court in 2010.