About Alicia

Alicia Crochiere

Alicia Crochiere

Employment Transition Manager - Illinois

Alicia Crochiere serves as an OJRV Employment Transition Manager for northern Illinois. This role allows her to aid veterans, current service members, and military family members who are seeking meaningful employment by working with them to overcome employment obstacles and pursue career-building opportunities. Alicia assists with clients’ transitions whether it be from service to civilian employment or between private sector careers by providing guidance on resume writing, networking, and interview strategies as well as one-on-one coaching.

An Air Force veteran herself, as well as a spouse to a service member, Alicia has firsthand experience on both sides of the coin and the challenges each can present. She has a passion for volunteering within veteran sectors to create connections and improvements between civilian and veteran community ties, especially ones that affect veterans and their families as they work to navigate both worlds.

Initially an active-duty medic in the Air Force, Alicia completed the requirements for the practical nursing technology degree from the Community College of the Air Force and retains her EMT license on the civilian side. As a search and extraction medic, she trained in confined spaces, high ropes, as well as breaching, breaking, and shoring operations as part of a domestic CBRNE response unit.

A self-confessed bookworm, Alicia has degrees in early childhood education and international studies and will be completing her Certified Emergency Manager certification in 2024. She enjoys spending time outdoors, hiking with her family, shooting photography, and traveling.

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