Success Statements



Indiana, July 2023

“The biggest challenges I faced while looking for a job after leaving the Air Force were needing to go back to school to get my bachelor’s degree and learning how to talk about what I did in the military in a way that showcased how my experience was transferable to other roles.

Through Operation: Job Ready Veterans, I received assistance with my resume and job search in addition to emotional support from Deborah Walker. Thanks to this assistance, I was able to conclude my job search with success, but more importantly, confidence. Working with Deborah to improve my resume significantly increased employer interest during my job search. She helped me find value in the skills I already possessed and prepare for interviews in a way that allowed me to stay true to myself.”

Employment Opportunities Near You

8604 Allisonville Rd.
Suite 220
Indianapolis, IN 46250

1-855-4 JOB READY

Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 8 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed on all federal holidays