Success Statements

Bobby A.

Bobby A.

Indiana, November 2023

“I experienced some challenges when I was ready for a career change. By utilizing OJRV’s services, I received career assessments, resume tutorials, and one-on-one support with job market evaluation. Deborah contributed tremendously to my new employment with Mi-tech Tungsten Metals because I was able to utilize the resume skills she taught during our one-on-one sessions.

Thanks to OJRV, I have gained confidence in my resume-writing abilities and confidence in my new role with Mi-Tech as a logistics supervisor. If I had to sum up my experience with OJRV I would say, ‘Tough times never last, but tough people do.’”

Employment Opportunities Near You

Get in Touch

8604 Allisonville Rd.
Suite 220
Indianapolis, IN 46250

1-855-4 JOB READY

Office Hours

Mon – Fri: 8 AM – 4:30 PM
Closed on all federal holidays